Social media has come to play an important role in promoting business and driving revenues. In this context, capturing the data generated through various social media channels and using it in an appropriate manner is the key to ensuring the success of any social marketing strategy. This data helps the social media marketing companies to obtain vital information about the target audiences. 

They can then use this information to connect with these audiences and influence their decision with respect to the products and services offered by their client business. Hence, it is only natural for social marketing professionals to focus their efforts on gathering insights about how prospective clients perceive the products or services promoted by them. This process is commonly referred to as social listening.

Gaining A Better Understanding Of Social Listening

Social listening can be defined simply as the efforts made by companies to analyze the trends and conversations about their brand that occur across various social media channels. It also refers to using this information for creating a more effective brand marketing strategy and enhancing customer engagement and conversion rates. Social listening is performed by tracking the mention of specific words, phrases and even complex customer queries related to the brand across social media as well as the web. The data accumulated is then analyzed to develop the best strategies for influencing client decisions about a brand and its products and services in a positive manner.

Effective Tools For Simplifying Social Listening

With the number of people using social media running into billions, tracking the keywords and conversations related to a specific business can prove to be a daunting task. Thankfully, there are several tools available online that can help the providers of digital marketing services to perform this vital task in a simple and hassle-free manner. The five most popular of these tools are discussed in brief as follows.

digital marketing servicesAwario

This is a powerful social listening and analytics tool that enables businesses to participate in conversations about their brand across a wide range of platform. The tool offers dedicated features to simplify influencer marketing and reputation management besides facilitating market research and customer engagement.


This extremely robust social media intelligence tool that offers various features for effective social listening and analysis. In addition to helping businesses monitor brand mentions across various social media channels, the tool also offers functionality for image recognition, API access, and customizable dashboard. This makes it easier for marketing professionals to cover almost every social listening metrics.


The primary focus of this social listening tool is on content generation and influencer marketing and features four main components. It discovers high performing content for engagement and sharing. It also conducts researches across billions of data point to refine and optimize a brandโ€™s marketing tactics. It monitors the topics and comments that represent opportunities for expanding brand reach. Moreover, it identifies new influential voices that can expand a brandโ€™s reach among new audiences.


This is a highly effective social listening tool that helps to track topics and conversations across a wide range of social media platforms. The tool helps to keep marketing professionals updated about the prevailing attitudes and opinions about a brand and its products. It also features monitoring and filtering tools to direct the marketing professionals to real-time conversations relevant to their brand happening almost anywhere across the web.


This is one of the top hashtag tools for hashtag tracking and hashtag analysis used by social marketers across the globe. It is a great resource for assessing the effectiveness and value of online marketing campaigns. It provides information about the real-time values of key metrics such as engagement and reach. It also offers a suite of tools for finding, tracking, and collaborating with influencers.

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