Social MediaYour product is approaching its launch date and you wish to create product hype and awareness on social media. While it is quite a task to make pre-launch ripples, top agencies providing social media marketing services follow certain creative strategies to boost the social media presence of their clients. Here are 5 ways in which you can do so:

1. Create an Impactful Hashtag
The aim is to get your target audience excited about their involvement and facilitate engagement throughout the launch process. For instance, black metal band Gorgoroth marketed their first full-length live album โ€˜True Norwegian Black Metalโ€™ with the hashtag #TrueNorwegianBlackMetal. The term is not only the name of the album but also a full-fledged subgenre in Black Metal, which makes it a genius marketing strategy. This hashtag facilitated album awareness not only among hardcore Gorgoroth fans but also the diverse metal community.

2. Devise Creative Promotional Deals
While it is commonplace to have a limited-time deal to promote a new product, one can also promote the individuals involved in the making of the product. Recently, a brand new player in the realm of skateboarding shoes called Proper Footwear, posted regular deals on Instagram that coincided with the launch of their new product. They also offered discount codes named after their team riders, while encouraging audiences to save money and follow their team. Moreover, the featured skaters availed commission on each sale!

3. Narrate a Gripping Story
Eminent companies offering digital marketing services know the value of a compelling narrative, as it is a powerful way to engage audiences with a product before it hits the shelves. No6 Coffee Co. leverages social platforms to tell engaging stories about the ways in which the masses use their product. This is not only an interesting way to show off their coffee blends but also helps showcase the positive relationship existing clients have with their coffee.

4. Collaborate with Local Artists and Businesses
A brandโ€™s willingness to work with its community is an endearing quality, as it helps establish authenticity and credibility both on a brand and product level. For instance, independent literary publisher Metatron Press hosts regular Instagram takeovers for writers affiliated with the company, allowing them to take autonomy of the pageโ€™s content for a few days. They also stream live book readings in order to pique interest and foster a digitally-inclined aesthetic sensibility. This kind of genuine approach also helps build brand trust in the long run.

5. Provide a Video Sneak-Peek
Thereโ€™s quite nothing like a crisp, artistically-charged video or GIF for creating a buzz on social media. Brands can also use Instagram Stories to provide an authentic, behind-the-scenes look into the inner workings of their organization. A few weeks ago, Irish singer and songwriter Hozier released a video sneak-peek for his upcoming album โ€˜Wasteland, Baby!โ€™, wherein he simply wrote down the names of 14 tracks with unreleased audio snippets playing in the background. This simple sneak-peek announcement was enough to create a social media frenzy, with fans eagerly waiting for the release and clamouring for more.

Employ these creative strategies and break the internet with your social media presence!

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