What is Black Friday Sale?

Black Friday signals the unofficial commencement of the holiday shopping season. It began in the United States and is a time where stores offer good discounts with the aim of driving sales. People get excited and try to find the best deals. Now, it’s not just in the United States โ€“ businesses everywhere, especially E-Commerce businesses use this opportunity to propel sales.

Best Digital marketing agency - Digidarts

In this digitally driven era, the significance of Black Friday extends across the globe through online channels and in the midst of this highly competitive landscape aย  Digital Performance Marketing Agency ย strategizes marketing initiatives for their clients to capitalize on this shopping season.ย 

As consumers navigate through the virtual marketplace, these agencies play a pivotal role in enhancing online visibility, optimizing campaigns, and ensuring brands stand out amidst the digital shopping frenzy.

How Did ASICS Perform?

ASICS approached Black Friday with a well-crafted performance marketing strategy from us. Last year, we delivered commendable results for ASICS, but this year, the expectations were set even higher.

To our delight, the outcomes exceeded the most ambitious goals, surpassing not just the set targets but doubling expectations. This year, the sale began on 24th November and ended on 28th November, during this five day period the ROAS increased by 113% and the ROI improved by 210%. We attribute this success to the strategic allocation of resources and the collaborative effort of our darts that helped generate a revenue of 5X.

Best Digital marketing agency - Digidarts

ASICS’ stellar performance during the Black Friday Sale represents the merits of a well-executed strategy from a Performance Marketing Agency. ASICS not only met but exceeded its revenue expectations.

The success not only highlights effective marketing but also underscores the quality of ASICS shoes, affirming their unbeatable comfort, durability, and style which makes them a preferred choice for discerning consumers.

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