How to Create a Social Media Strategy in 5 Easy Steps

Social media strategies are vocal on the impact that a brand is destined to make on social media platforms that harness its presence. The aforementioned strategies are subjective with respect to what-so-ever platforms a brand is dealing with. What might work wonders for Facebook, might fall short to do the desired with Instagram โ€“ what trends on Instagram might not be trending enough for Twitter, hence careful planning and keen insight are prerequisite factors when it comes to formulating strategies that deliver.

One should always bear in mind that like everything else on social media, strategies encircling the same are concise, not elaborate. A strategy thatโ€™s specific and targets short term goals is bound to work, while a hefty strategy might be riddled with hurdles, leading it to spiral down to nothingness.

Social mediaDigital marketing agencies specialize in crafting strategies that are rewarding with respect to the brands they are handling. Different brands fare well with different sets of strategies and digital marketing gurus are nothing but well-versed in the art of steering such strategies on the road that leads to accomplishment. 

Creating a social media strategy might seem like a hefty task but if oneโ€™s fundamentals are crystal clear, then itโ€™s easy-peasy to the core. For your consideration, we have listed out a few nuances that form the crux of such strategies. Registering these mantras to memory shall ensure that you are halfway through when it comes to creating strategies that work. The other half of the journey comprises of tactful approach and innovation. Letโ€™s delve in, shall we?


Create S.M.A.R.T Goals

There are people who create smart goals and then there are ones who create S.M.A.R.T goals. The latter comprises of goals that are:


โ€ข Measurable

โ€ข Attainable

โ€ข Relevant

โ€ข Time-bound

S.M.A.R.T goals in themselves are enough to set up a bar when it comes to formulating successful social media strategies.

Meaningful Metrics Matter

Every social media strategy, targets one metric or the other. Hence, values play quite a dominant role in devising strategies. Whether itโ€™s the number of followers, likes, like engagement, conversion, or click-through rate โ€“ one must determine, pursue, and track their goals. The aforementioned marketing objectives are the sole reason why social media strategies have come into existence.

Know thy Audience

You are devising social media strategies in order to appeal to a wide range of audience. Period. Hence, you must make yourself, thoroughly familiar with who your target audience is. Here are a few factors that might come in handy:

โ€ข Age

โ€ข Location

โ€ข Average Income 

โ€ข Industry

โ€ข Interests

Gathering data encircling the same gets rid of assumptions, thereby making your strategy more precise and to-the-point.

Know thy AudienceKnow thy Competition

The growth of every industry stems out of the competition. Hence, consider competition to be a boon rather than a bane. Conducting competitive analysis allows you to refine your social media strategy with respect to what works and what doesnโ€™t. It also enables you to improvise in order to go the distance. The activity of social media listening allows you to keep a track of your competition, their strategies in play, the keywords they are targeting, what they are sharing, and how they are faring with their target audience! You can perk up your game accordingly.

Social Media Content Calendar 

A social media content calendar helps you to plan ahead. While planning a social media content calendar, always pay heed to do things in advance. Your social media calendar should comprise of content thatโ€™s relevant with respect to the brand, social media holidays, scope for newsjacking et al. Do remember that your social media content calendar should be interactive, engaging, and impactful. With respect to the calendar, you have put into play, set-up your posting schedule for hassle-free execution of your strategies.

Always remember that you wonโ€™t strike gold in one go! The
best digital marketing agencies in Gurgaon and Delhi are well-versed with the fact that social media strategies that work best are re-evaluated, tested, and put in vogue โ€“ over and over again, in order to achieve the desired result. Evaluating and moulding your strategy with respect to the time, market, and brandโ€™s need, polish it in order to bring the best out in it.

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